3-in-1 device: scanning, endorsing and printing receipts.
Fast and accurate: Scanning (200 documents / d) and print receipts (300mm / s).
Highly efficient: able to precisely handle multiple items simultaneously.



3-in-1 device: scanning, endorsing and printing receipts
Fast and accurate: Scanning (200 documents / d) and print receipts (300mm / s).
Highly efficient: able to precisely handle multiple items simultaneously.
Plenty of endorsement space: Print up to 16 lines of endorsement
30% less paper is used: the “paper saving” advantage when printing receipts.
TM-S9000MJ combines two-sided color scanning,
Inkjet printing for endorse checks, as well as thermal printing of receipts
Checks can be scanned at speeds of up to 200dpm with automatic skew correction and background freckle filtering.
Photo ID cards and cut sheet can also be scanned quickly and accurately.